Tuesday, August 31, 2010



i've been thinking a lot recently about the big, "controversial"
some-what political divide between the pro-life movement and the
pro-choice movement.

and well...

i have to say that if you were to come up to me
and ask which "side" i was on,
i would have to
sorta claim to be both...

let me explain.)

i am both "for" life and choice.
though i must admit that if i were given a "choice" between one or the other,
i would have to choose life.

now some of you may say:
"wow! he sounds biased already! your freakin pro-life man!"
but hey.
don't make assumptions yet.

cause really.
i am pro-choice too.
we live in a society today where women are legally given two options for their child:
abortion or conception.
so, i, as an american citizen recognize every women's right to exercise their individual,
personal rights as fellow citizens and taxpayers.
they are given two "choices"
both are legally and socially accepted.
i agree.
i simply wish to support the latter of the two options or choices.
the right to carry their child to term.

why not?

Planned Parenthood and other "pro-choice" organizations are able to push for
one of the two "choices" (namely, abortion) and they call themselves pro-choice.
why can't i, who also recognizes the validity of both choices, push for one choice
and still call myself pro-choice?

now, some of you might be thinking, "aw man, he's just pulling out collars!
where does he really stand on the issue? does he think the kid in the womb is
a life or not?"

my answer to your question would be another question.
do you believe that a child coming out of the womb (being born) is a life?
if so.
how about a minute before?
how about an hour?
two hours?
a day?
a week?
a month?
at what point in time do we assert that
this child/fetus in the womb is, in fact,
NOT a life?

what criteria is required?
does he/she/it have to have a beating heart?
fingers maybe?
cause i can tell you that there are plenty of
aborted babies with all of these things.
what then?
and on who's authority?

fact is.
no one can really tell you.
all we know for a fact is that a living, breathing, crying child comes out.
what that child was before, life or not,
no-one really has much of a right to tell you.
if you put up the odds, you pretty much have a 50/50
heads: the fetus is a life
tails: the fetus is not a life

now the way i see it.
when a woman has an abortion, she is undergoing a process that basically
has a 50% chance of being murder.
i don't know about you,
but that is a pretttty high percentage.
i mean hey.
heads: you murdered someone...your own son/daughter
tails: your not a mother any more...oh well.
when you choose to have the child for better or whose, however,
you are 100% in the clear.
nothing on your conscious at all.
you know for a fact no murder is taking place.
now that sounds like a plan!

for those of you who argue that "sure this all makes sense, but how about
those who are not in any condition to raise a child, whether is be a lack of
resources, time, money, etc...i mean, what about the child's wellbeing?"

what are you worried about? are you afraid that these children will become misfits?
people who can't cope with society at large? maybe your afraid that these kids will
grow up to become criminals or something...hmmm.

well, all i can say is: never judge.
you can't just not have a child on the basis of wealth, time, or resources.
that's almost the same as not having a child due to a possible defect or illness
that may have befallen the child at (or prior) to birth.
taking the 50/50 coin flip and just deciding on the spot to "do away" with these
children is worse than possible murder...its a kind of nazi-like form of eugenics!
some of the greatest people in the world (and some of the coolest people i know) may
never have had the opportunity to live if the world began to spin its wheels in
this kind of direction/thinking!


all in all.
i have to say that,
this topic, for me,
is a very important one.
i feel like there should be
much more communication between
the two socalled "sides" in order to
find out what it is that is really at stake here.
are we really beginning to create, what i've heard to be called,
a "culture of death" where even the great and awe-inspiring love
between a mother and child can be broken down to a coin flip?

most of all, though, i think we should most definitely do away with
the calling out of one another concerning the topic.
stop hating!
for reals.
just state what you think and be OPEN to what others think as well.
your mind and mine are not centers of truth within themselves.
they can only grow and learn through openness and a willingness
to communicate truthfully and peacefully.

you could be right
or i could be right
either way, there is something to be learned.



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