Thursday, September 30, 2010

some things

are just too good to be true.

i've been lookin for an ipad lately to replace my worn out old
fujitsu tablet lifebook. i'm kinda tight on money right noww
(need to get a job badly ;P) sooo, i hit up the good ol' craigslist
in search of a cheap posting. i found a few and emailed/called em'
as usual one or two end up emailing me back.haha.
one of them in particular, though, caught my attention.
it read as follows:

Hey, sorry for the delayed response, but someone already bought the iPad
and picked it up. You might want to try and buy one where I bought mine at.
It'san auction site kind of like ebay that has quite a few iPads.

I am usually able to pick them up there between $100-$150, I think it's so
cheap because the site is newer and there aren't many bidders yet. Anyways,
I'd recommend you shop there if your still in need of an iPad. The site is
called I just checked and it looks like they have one
ending soon and the bid is at $30 so far.

When I signed up they gave me this coupon to give to friends, but I haven't
used it yet. Your more than welcome to use it, but I think it expires tomorrow.
It's good for placing some free bids on any auction.
The coupon is: swipe100ex

Hope this helps you!


so yea.
i clicked the link and whatwhat! there it was:
which, according to all the online reviews and comments guessed it
but of course, i didn't know yet.
i was pretty much freakin out.
it was pretty much every asians dream.
dirt cheap.
it was heaven.
signing up was pretty much a no brainer.

(thank you Jesus)
i noticed before i clicked the submit button,
right below the place where i had put down all of my credit card info
and blahblahblah...
there was a line in tiiiiny font basically saying the following:
"clicking this will charge you 159 some odd dollars, entitling you to 400 bids"
hardcore asian parenting has its perks sometimes.
after reading that i went straight to the research...
and yups.
sure enough.
i got conned.
pretty much EVERY SINGLE google link that came up on the topic lit up
another no brainer.

long story short,
i ended up NOT signing up for dirt cheap electronics.
sad huh?
so much wasted time, excitement and energy.

i was given a promise that was, in the long run, destined to bring me nothing
more than anger and disappointment.
yet, i had been caught up in the moment, overjoyed at the possibility of a
cheap, much needed, ipad.
i could have ignored the warning signs and arrows and simply gone for the
small chance that maybe, just maybe, it could be...should be this easy.
just one simple click of a button.

how often in life is it the same?
we're given promises of happiness,
in the small "too good to be true" things in life.
the easy button-clickers.
these are the clear no-brainers.
but what about the more cleverly disguised ones such as
pretty much everything has a second side.
its hard to tell nowadays what's real and what's fake.
a scam.

i wake up every day hoping to live for something more than what i've been
given and told. i long for the freedom brought about by ultimate truth.
when i put my trust in something, no matter how small, it breaks my heart
to learn that it could be, and probably is, a fake. maybe that's why i still
don't quite understand love, or at least "true" love, for, to me, there can't be
love without perfect trust...but what, in whom, can we really place our trust?

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