Friday, February 18, 2011

question 1

“If you were granted a superpower for just one day, what would it be and how would you use it?”

"if I had the power to freeze time, i could sleep all day without missing out on anything important..."

growing up has changed my perspective on a lot of things. it has made me much more submissive to what many would call "the hard cold facts" - the sad realities of life - the uncrossable, unscalable, unfathomably deep entrenching divide that separates "our" world from that of my naive childhood daydreams. a line of scrimmage seems to have been drawn between the impossible and the concrete, the heroic and the practical. to dream, hope, and wish (as i used to upon the first evening star) for something impossible such as the power of flight, x-ray vision, or adamantium claws is to cross that line and forfeit the play. continuing to live ones life for a dream unrestricted by the boundaries of reality and human possibility is, thus, the equivalent of playing simply to lose that game. but what of that game? i say this because my honest instinctual response to this prompt was "to fly." i've always wanted to fly. yet, i know now that flight is nothing if one does not also have superspeed or invincibility. how much fun, really, would it be to fly if you only kind of floated or if you ended up flying too high or running into a bird or a building? not very. i'd much rather have extra time to sleep. at least there, in my dreams, the world still makes sense.    

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