Thursday, March 10, 2011

now and later

small and insignificant though i may be
sometimes i feel as though i can do anything

i can clear entire buildings in a single bound
catch a falling star before it hits the ground

and yet the hardest thing to do some days
is to open my eyes; let in those morning rays

i'm a person, a child still filled with hope
nothing can stop me, i'm invincible right?

and yet i feel as though inside
i'm not who i once was, i need a guide

because i'm lost i'm still searching for
a meaning a purpose, something so much more

i'm a caterpillar, no, a butterfly...wait
i'm beautiful, perfect, but why do i feel?

like this, i'm not myself, i'm changing still
i'm transforming, morphing against my will

i need room to stand, opportunity to grow
and yet i can't do anything its just like...whow

i'm spinning out of control, it feels like i can't words aren't even put together right

here. in my room i sit and type.
can't let the world just pass'll be alright?
ask me now where i see myself later
and i'll tell you that...

i'd rather just tell you later.

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